Arrival to Bol Brac, Croatia

Arrival by car

From Split

You will have to take a ferry from Split to Supetar (Brac). Ferry takes cca 55 min and Supetar-Bol is a 40 km ride.

From Makarska

You will have to take a ferry from Makarska to Sumartin (Brac). Ferry takes cca 60 min and Sumartin-Bol is a 25 km ride. We recommend arriving earlier in July and August since ferry from Makarska is much smaller than ferry from Split.

Arrival without car

From Split

There is direct catamaran line that goes from Split to Bol at 16:30 every day. It takes 60 min to get to Bol and is fastest way to get here.
There are numerous ferry lines from Split to Supetar (Brac). You will have to catch a taxi or a bus from Supetar to Bol.

From Makarska

You will have to take a ferry from Makarska to Sumartin (Brac). Ferry takes cca 60 min and Sumartin-Bol is a 25 km ride. You can catch a bus or taxi from Sumartin to Bol.

From Hvar

There is a catamaran line from Jelsa (island Hvar) to Bol every day at 06:00. It arrives in Bol at 06:30. Tickets can be purchased 15 min before catamaran leaves Jelsa.